
Most of my writing registers debates or working sessions, where I distillate the core of the conversation.

I also write articles, reports and do interviews, often as part of larger projects. Until the end of 2021 I was chief editor of VEGAN Magazine, a quarterly magazine with over 4.000 readers. You can read more about this under ‘Veganism’. I’ was also the editor of Ways of Knowing, a spin-off from the work of 2019 Artist in Residence Vyjayanthi Rao at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. Based on John Berger’s Ways of Seeing, this booklet offers essays as different kinds of lessons in ways of seeing, learning, and knowing space. The guiding motto is: look carefully, in various ways, using all your senses.

Amongst others I’ve written for: ICOM NL, Imagine IC, The Reinwardt Academy, Stichting Dégradé, Soundtrackcity, Gemeente Den Haag, VSBfonds en het Meertens Instituut.



